Label Evolution: A Look Forward

The Dehlinger wine label has been updated several times during our 50 year history and this Fall’s new releases feature an evolution which we have been working on for several years. This latest rendition honors our heritage and restates our pursuit of excellence, while emphasizing the uniqueness of individual bottlings.

Each detail of this label is deliberate. In homage to our past, we have re-introduced the original Caslon font that was used on Dehlinger labels in our earliest vintages from 1975 to the early 1980s. Other elements of previous labels have been reinterpreted: In the 1980s, our original black-and-white-only label was softened with a grey mist at the bottom, representing the cooling, iconic fog of the Russian River Valley. We’ve now made that representation of the coastal fog more dynamic. We have preserved the small diamond shape long-present on many of our labels and incorporated the Octagon form—a tribute to the eight-sided landmark home on our vineyard where Tom and Carole Dehlinger lived in the company’s early years.

Something that sets Dehlinger apart is our continuity. We have always evolved, and as we have, there has been a continued identity and heritage that links one era to the next: The centrality of our estate vineyard in the winemaking, the long participation of Dehlinger’s founders, the ongoing operation of the winery by our family, the substantial tenure of our talented staff, and the long duration of so many of our relationships with you our customers has made for powerful institutional memory. Here we aim to see that all honored, as we reflect on our history at the 50 year mark, and as we look ahead with anticipation to our shared future.

Tom, Carole, Carmen & Eva Dehlinger